Saturday, July 6, 2024

Blog Post #10

 In this age of technology, I think it’s difficult to say whether or not I have a good or bad relationship with technology. I have grown up with it my whole life. I do think that I use my phone and computer too much sometimes. But it can be difficult to put technology away. 

“A 2022 study in the United States found that consumers were spending on average 13 hours 5 minutes with media and technology per day. Out of this, 5 hours 17 minutes of this was with video, 2 hours 51 minutes with audio, 1 hour 47 minutes with gaming, and 1 hour 33 minutes on messaging and social media”(Daily time spent using media and technology in the US 2022-2026).

Technology informs me and also misleads me. I have learned a lot. There is so much information out there. It can be difficult to dissect and weave through information that may or may not be factual. 

I worry about our society. Technology has been amazing and beneficial for everyone. We can communicate with everybody at any time. We know what is going on in the world within seconds of it happening. 

But I worry that we are going down the wrong path. We are all so connected to technology that we don’t look up from our phones and tablets. We are becoming a society that can communicate using technology, but we struggle with face-to-face communication. 

We all need to take a look at ourselves and understand that the use of technology might be making us isolated. 

Since Covid-19, we have all needed to stay home. But now that all the bans and restrictions have been lifted, we can explore the world around us and be with others. But this does not mean that it did not impact society's ability to communicate. 

“When technology takes the place of in-person relationships, it has been found to increase loneliness and disconnection and reduce well-being…High social media use is linked to reduced positive mental health outcomes–especially feelings of well-being…Maintaining control and self-monitoring technology consumption may be a fruitful strategy to combat loneliness and help people cope with stress and anxiety. Unfortunately, this is often easier said than done. Heavy internet users may interpret their compulsion as a minimal problem, while a disconnection can lead to anxiety and feelings of loss”(Technology Use, Loneliness, and Isolation | Psychology Today).

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Blog Post #10

  In this age of technology, I think it’s difficult to say whether or not I have a good or bad relationship with technology. I have grown up...