Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Blog Post #1

I don’t watch the news as much as I probably should because the world makes me sad. But I watch some programs with my parents. I also follow news pages on TikTok and Instagram.

The first source I use for information and news is CNN. I have always watched CNN. It was one of the news stations that was on in my house. The multiple diverse stories I have seen give me a perspective that I am lucky enough not to have been through what most people on the news have. I think you should watch it because they talk about several current events going on in the world.

The second source I use is TikTok. TikTok has so many different creators. I follow a few different news-centered creators. They can convey information in a user-friendly way, that is quick. They also talk about events happening all around the world. While other sources in the USA do that, this year is mainly focused on the presidential election. I like that I can know what is happening in other countries. I think you should watch it because you can access many different kinds of news very quickly.

The third source I use is Instagram. Like TikTok, Instagram has many different kinds of creators. I follow a few different accounts that post about the LGBTQ+ community, women's rights, and the different events that are happening around the world. I think you should use it because the sources differ and you can find all kinds of information.

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