Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Blog Post #2

 In the video, I learned that the Supreme Court of the United States remains the most powerful judicial body on earth. They tell the president, congress, and the states what they may or may not do. I also learned that they pick and choose what cases they will have a trial on. They receive about one hundred cases a week, which is roughly seven thousand cases a year.

The most important key takeaway I learned is they only take about one hundred cases a year. The justices get the case a week in advance, and then the lawyers from each side get thirty minutes to share and answer questions. Within a few days after hearing the case, the justices meet and vote. Then the justices choose who will have to write an opinion about the case. This takes about four weeks to write. Then they will write another draft. The process can take multiple months to complete. 

The most surprising thing I learned is, that in all of America's history, there have only been just over one hundred justices. The video changed the way I thought about the supreme court because, I did not realize how many cases are sent to them, and how little they review.

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