Saturday, June 15, 2024

Blog Post #3

 After reviewing all eight of the speech theories, I have found a couple of theories that I resonate with. The first one is Individual Self-Fufillment. The second one is to Promote Innovation. They both have a few things in common. They both allow for each person to find who they are, and meet people who align with who they truly are. 

Individual Self-Fulfillment is what we all want. We all want the ability to free ourselves and think about things that are important to us. Promote Innovation uses the previous theory but allows people to work together and create without any judgment from others. 

I think that we have both of these theories in our society. But except for one thing. Not everyone is equal. We can all say everyone is equal, but the news and the government would say otherwise. All of the new laws that have been passed in the last few years have made one kind of person equal, and that is a heterosexual white male. Everyone else is not equal. Women don’t have rights to their bodies, the LGBTQ+ community is scrutinized for being themselves, and all minorities can’t do what they want.

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Blog Post #10

  In this age of technology, I think it’s difficult to say whether or not I have a good or bad relationship with technology. I have grown up...